Customers want to see a product or service in action. How it installs. How it works. What other customers think about it. Video tells those stories the best! Scroll down ⬇️ through a few examples of the types of videos we can produce for you!
Customers not only need to know how your product works or installs, they also need to understand why it is better than your competitors products.
Sometimes you need to show your customer why your product or service is better than your competitors. Comparison videos do just that!
Take your customers on a trip to a project site to witness from other customers, why your product is better than your competitors!
Take your customers on a journey and let them see other customers using your product in real life settings!
Customers don't want to listen to a boring, stiff presenter. Identify an employee within your ranks to sell a monthly product to your customer base!
Need to get your point across in .30 seconds, or a minute? If you tell your story right, they'll listen!
Don't always think that you need to constantly sell your customers something. An often endearing strategy is to share a tip & trick that makes their lives easier!
You are the expert of your products, services and brand. We will work with you to develop a shot list outlining the video shots & on screen text animations that are necessary to tell the story you want to tell
Mobile phones, GoPros & Drones provide such great footage these days. Sometimes it just makes sense to film your own footage. If you would prefer us to film on-site, we can do that too. We are located in Dallas / FortWorth
If you film your project yourself, we will send you an upload link to securely get your footage to us. Once we are finished editing, we will send you a video review link, where you can mark up the video with your notes on final edits
Your video can be housed on our Vimeo site indefinitely, if you wish. It is always downloadable with just a click in full 4k resolution quality. We are excited to start your project!
Located in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex
Patrick Snedeker M - 214-701-0571 E - Cliff Snedeker M - 972-837-7122 E -